Personalized elegance
“Twins can have the exact same size.
But they will never have the same personality.”
Alberto Vedelago – Accademya™
The personal tailor
Alberto Vedelago has created and uses a revolutionary method to create his customized clothing.
The method is based on more rigorous tailoring dictates combined with innovative techniques to the study of personality.
His distinctive operating consists in taking not only body measurements of guests, but in sizing up their “personality” as well. Just this way it is possible to create unique outfits that can enhance people aesthetically, making them feel good inside at the same time. To achieve this Alberto takes time to understand his client personality and combines with sartorial elegances. An ACCADEMYA signed garment represents the personality of the wearer and guarantees all the qualities of finely made Italian sartorial clothing.
Creations for individual elegance
Managers, entrepreneurs, champions, artists, trainers, authors, entertainers, but also people just careful about their image, in Italy and in the world, have chosen ACCADEMYA and rely on Alberto Vedelago to be enhanced through his clothes and “total look” accessories made exclusively for them and fitted exactly on their personality.
The mission is to help individuals to feel better with them selves and to get them admired by the others, improving them with a new instrument: the elegance.
Corporate Elegance
Over the year Alberto Vedelago and ACCADEMYA has been requested by many businesses to create dressing styles that represents their brand identify. By doing this, companies are able to extend the brand experiences for its customers to another level.
Alberto Vedelago is able to understand the brand and company philosophy, and then express it through personalized dressing.
ACCADEMYA has developed a deep expertise in dressing in a personalized and coordinated way, also corporate teams, enhancing their own brand.Each element of the group brings outside the company’s values and became its most credible testimonial. This is the case, for example. of the Cafe Florian in Venice, established1720, the most important historic Italian cafe, whose entire staff has beeen dressed by Alberto Vedelago.

Zoom call
Alberto will arrange a zoom call with you.

Your style
Where he will take you through the decision making process of designing your shirts or suits.

He will also assist you in taking your body measurements.

Final stage
You’ll receive a mockup suite so Alberto can check how it fits, before sending you the final suit.
“The word elegance comes from the ancient latin “eligere”, that means to choose. Something beyond clothing. It concerns the posture, ges– tures, manner of speech, education, style, personality.
It is the art of knowing how to choose and how to be chosen. The art of living.”
“The word elegance comes from the ancient latin “eligere”, that means to choose. Something beyond clothing. It concerns the posture, ges– tures, manner of speech, education, style, personality.
It is the art of knowing how to choose and how to be chosen. The art of living.”
Get In Touch
Get in touch for a personalized elegance session.
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Worldwide Elegance
Accademya delivers everywhere in the world
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